Saturday 20 July 2013

growing racism in america

America is fast returning to the pre-1960 era! Increasing intolerance,violence against minorities and blacks,increasing surveillance on its citizens,spying on EU governments,hostility against whistle-blowers and increase in drone-attacks on civilians in Muslim countries!
Unless the right thinking US citizens and the rest of the world unitedly take a strong position against US policies we may see America soon become like Nazi Germany,Stalinist Russia or Maoist China.
What America needs today is a leader like JFK who can inspire and motivate Americans and show them the correct path.When JFK was elected President America had growing unemployment,racist violence stagnant economy and an extremely tense relationship with the rest of the world. The Congress,FBI and the CIA were opposed to his policies but he had a vision and support of the American people and soon succeeded in restoring normalcy in the US.
Obama is worthless and is a pawn in the hands of the Corporations and the armaments industry Americans are a very competent and industrious people but due to the machinations of politicians,the media and large corporations they have lost their vitality and idealism. Unfortunately even the US Supreme Court has deviated from the spirit of the American Constitution and has become bigoted and conservative.
Arise,awake and stop not till the goal is reached. Swami Vivekananda

Tuesday 2 July 2013

an open letter to president putin

Today the greatest danger the world is facing is American imperialism!America has firmly decided to put its back to the clock of history and strive for global domination and hegemony. Any individual or nation who opposes US policies is considered a traitor and immediately detained or eliminated. People all over the world are opposing neo-liberal economic policies of the US,WB&IMF which have brought ruin and penury to billions of people all over the globe!
Russia is destined to play an important role in the progress of mankind and the world. Being heirs of the great Lenin,Russians will be compelled to oppose American imperialism and be in the vanguard of the fight against capitalism and American domination.It is time to replace the US Dollar as the reserve currency because it is benefiting a few nations in Europe and America only.
Brave individuals like Snowden and Assange are openly exposing American chicanery and duplicity and hence need to be protected by all right thinking people! I sincerely implore you to grant asylum to Snowden unconditionally.

india-an umbrella

Monday 1 July 2013

the power of one

A magic leverage suddenly is caught
That moves the veiled Ineffable's timeless will:
A prayer, a master act, a king idea
Can link man's strength to a transcendent Force.
Then miracle is made the common rule,
One mighty deed can change the course of things;
 A lonely thought becomes omnipotent. The Issue. Book I Savitri. Sri Aurobindo

The entire history of the world since its inception is the story of individuals who were the pioneers and who broke new ground. Right from the Vedic Rishis,the Greek philosophers and warriors like Napoleon,Ceaser and Alexander,it was always the power of one! They were the leaders of human evolution and progress. They had the power to translate their vision into reality. Of course they had to face tremendous opposition from the forces of status-quo but they persisted and succeeded because fortune and destiny favoured them. What was a trickle soon turned into a torrent!
All over the world today individuals are creating history!  In Tunisia,Egypt,India,Pakistan,Brazil,China,US and many other countries brave individuals are engaged in a do or die struggle to improve the lives of millions of their bretheren. Snowden,Assange,Malala Yusufzai,Anil Joshi and numerous unknown individuals are creating gold out of dust! All attempts by vested interests to thwart them have failed because the future is unfolding rapidly before our eyes.
All the revolutions happened because a few brave individuals could read the writing on the wall and stake their everything to execute their vision!