Tuesday 29 May 2012


What does it profit a man if he gaineth the whole world yet suffers the loss of his own soul Where from?The Bible. This is relevant as never before. Man has lost sight of his moral compass which can show the way to a peaceful and contented life.Unless humanity abandons its pursuit of materialism and commercialism it is doomed to end in a catastrophe which could destroy this civilisation.

Man should start looking for spiritual solutions to the problems facing it. Even Modern science is reaching conclusions which are closer to the perception of reality reached by Eastern spirituality.

People all over the world are turning to Eastern spirituality because they have realised the futility of the present way of life.

Spirituality holds the key to counteract the dark forces represented by the collusion of military power,power hungry politicians,media barons,religious fundamentalism and terrorism.

There is a desperate need for spiritual leaders like Dalai Lama and others to come together on a common platform and show the way to mankind to abandon its present course and look for its soul.

India has the power to change the present social.cultural and political state of the world. For that to happen India must search for its soul and find the necessary solutions to manifest it. Scriptures like the Bhagwad Gita should be so interpreted to make it relevant to modern day realities.

I believe there is a consciousness at work in the world to transform the world from its dark state to a more enlightened form. It is upto humanity to either collaborate or oppose it.

As Margaret Mead has written " Never doubt that a group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed that is the only thing that ever has".

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