Sunday 27 January 2013

India-a federation?

The Constitution of India defines India to be a federation of states.After Independence,it was correctly decided that considering the diversity in languages,scripts,cultures,religions and ethnicity, India should be a federation of its constituent states.It was also felt that to prevent divisive tendencies,India should have a strong centre. Parliament was given the power to alter,merge or create a new state.The Constitution also provides for distribution of powers between the Centre and the States.Some powers have been given exclusively to the centre and the states while in certain areas both have equal say. The underlying theme in the Constitution is one of cooperation between the centre and the states in the larger interest of the nation.
However the experience of the last 64 years has been a usurping of powers of the states by the centre.The centre has been exercising its diktat on taxation,law&order,education,public health,culture,agriculture and other areas which are intended to be the exclusive preserve of the states. This has resulted in lop-sided development,neglect of agriculture,diminishing of the vitality of states,poverty,corruption and illiteracy!The grim reality is that India is now governed at the whims and fancies of the politicians and bureaucrats sitting in N.Delhi-most of whom dont have the slightest knowledge of grass-root realities.The Constitution has been reduced to a scrap of paper and has been replaced by a small coterie of individuals who determine the destiny of India!
The richest period in Indian history was not that of the Mughals,Ashoka or Chandragupta but when India was comprised of extremely small states!Indian culture speaks of rule by Dharma-the eternal law and not by a monarch.The Rishi was supposed to be the custodian of the Dharma and was consulted by the King from time to time.The legislative assemblies were intended to assist the king in day to day matters of government.At the village level,the Panchayat was free to take decisions in the best interest of the villagers.The underling idea was that the Union can be strong only if its constituent units are strong!
It is now desirable that our national polity be restructured and steps be taken to strengthen the states to preserve the diversity,unity and integrity of our nation!Any postponement could have disastrous consequences!

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