Wednesday 30 January 2013

man-woman relationship

The whole universe depends on a harmonious relationship between the sexes! man-woman are indivisible and have a common soul. The problems have arisen because of a false assumption that they are separate having a distinct identity.Indian culture regards man-woman as shiva-shakti,knowledge-power,purush-prakriti,soul-nature,earth-sky; one is incomplete without the other. The Tantra which is one of the many paths to self realization treats the woman as sacred and to be approached with great egolessness and sensitivity,so that she can show the path to knowledge,bliss and the truth!
The man,because of his physical prowess was culturally regarded as the provider while the woman because of her fertility was regarded as the home-maker.The ancient cultures gave a prominent place to the woman because she was thought to be the source of refinement,music,arts,literature,beauty and harmony!
Gradually as property,wealth,power,dominance and commerce started becoming important,the relationship between man-woman underwent a change. The man became the superior and the woman his appendage.The institution of marriage which was earlier a voluntary and free one started becoming a bondage. As a result,the masculine virtues started dominating and the feminine qualities started diminishing. The earlier tranquility and harmony was disturbed. The woman was regarded as a pleasure object,incapable of leadership,thought or creativity.
As science entered the realm,the materialistic paradigm completely suppressed the spiritual aspects of life,which meant the total subjugation of the woman! Gradually,in the West,the women began asserting themselves and started demanding equality.However, in the process they started loosing their femininity and started competing with men for a larger share of the cake. Women's rights,suffragette,equality of pay.equal opportunities and freedom of expression became their prominent demands.Now the division was complete!The result-discord,divorce,sexual violence and harassment. The family was the first victim of this unhappy turn of events.The arts,music,literature and vocations had to bear the brunt of this growing dichotomy.
The time has now come to return to our ancient wisdom and restore the balance between the two poles of existence." Matter is false unless it is a manifestation of the spirit!" Sri Aurobindo

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