Thursday 4 April 2013


" Sarva khalu idam brahma!" Verily all is the Brahman. Upanishads. Since time immemorial humanity has been seeking for its destiny. Man has been constantly striving for unity-mostly by mechanical means. One of the methods used even today is larger aggregates on the basis of shared interests. Asia, America, The Commonwealth,Europe,Africa and the erstwhile Soviet Union are all attempts in that direction. But they have all been failures because they have relied essentially on political and economic unity while neglecting the important spiritual dimension.
It is imperative that humanity realizes that the entire cosmos is an indivisible whole and we are a significant part of it. We have to transcend the barriers of geography,sex,culture,language,religion,wealth and politics to be able to speak in unison.
Modern science is moving towards unity and searching for the elusive origin of the universe! The origins are irrelevant but the future is of supreme importance."Human unity is inevitable in the nature of things. Only human imbecility and stupidity are the barriers in the way!" Sri Aurobindo

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