Friday 5 April 2013

shun pettiness

The world has become too petty! Everybody is preoccupied with thoughts of self,family and the petty comforts of life. Food,dress,study,career,wealth and sex have become the only all pervading considerations.From birth to death life has become one endless routine.Poetry,literature,music and art have all been trivialized to cater to popular taste. Anyone who tries to point to a sense of grandeur,nobility,purpose or sanctity is considered abnormal.More people are interested in Justin Bieber or Madonna than the works of Socrates,Aristotle or Vivekananda! Keeping up with the Joneses has become more important than living a cultured life. Good manners,Chivalry and Etiquette are regarded as archaic and obsolete.The barbarian rules!
"The greatest challenge of the 21st century is to revive the sense of the sacred!" Sri Aurobindo. Unless we realize that there is a higher and nobler purpose to life,we are doomed to destruction and extinction as a species. Life is not about acquiring more wealth but about realizing our latent divinity! Science has also reached a turning point and is finding that the reality is transcending the physical and material world!
Modern civilization has become too complex and cumbersome to be left to the whims of a few politicians and corporations. The present economic,political,moral and spiritual crisis is a wake up call!

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