Tuesday 28 October 2014

age of intuition

Times are changing-the feminine is on the ascendant and male aggressiveness is on the decline.Sensitivity,empathy,decency,understanding,team-spirit,creativity,courage and knowledge are gaining recognition while individualistic behaviour and aggression are being frowned upon.
It is true that the bulk of natural resources necessary for survival are still under the control of a few greedy individuals but this will be their undoing since they are rendering themselves incapable of surviving in the present times.
People all over the world are realizing that without a change in the present life-styles survival of the human species will be impossible.Societies which will be able to adapt themselves to the new consciousness will grow and prosper while fossilized and stagnant societies will perish.
Human relationships are again improving and people are realizing the value of openness and warmth between individuals.,transcending barriers of age,sex,colour, or nationality.
Child issues are gradually becoming a matter of global concern and there is an increasing awareness in society to provide a secure future for the child.

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