Sunday 26 October 2014


'Humour is the salt of life and the world would have gone to blazes without it'.Sri Aurobindo
Humour is a gift of the Gods and can really lift people's spirits up and cheer them up.True humour is extremely rare in the present times because people have lost the ability to laugh at themselves and take themselves too seriously.
Great humour writers like P.G Wodehouse,GB Shaw,Charlie Chaplin,Shakespeare,PL Deshpande and others had the knack to bring out the idiosyncracies of their times in a manner to show how ridiculously people were behaving witheach other.
In the present times,there is so much material available to be able to write hillariously.The entire life style has become a big farce with people appearing to be solemn all the time and behaving in a deceitful and treachorous manner.The whole world seems to have become a comedy and tragedy rolled into one.
Entire populations have started behaving like creatures from outer space with their weird clothes and bizarre vehicles.Their speech is a combination of the reptillian and the amphibian.The Media seems to have been taken over by the denizens of the underworld and is all the time dishing out horror stories.The entire scenario is ideal for people with a sense of humour.

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