Thursday 7 February 2013


China is a mystery wrapped in an enigma! Very little is known about the real China to the outside world. It is perhaps the last totalitarian state on earth. The veil of secrecy is so dense that nothing can penetrate it.Personal liberties are restricted,economic disparities are growing,there is huge social unrest,corruption is rampant,dissidence is not tolerated and political activity is limited to towing the party line! All in all a very sorry state of affairs!
The recent Chinese forays in the sea of Japan and the Indian Ocean are clear indications of Chinese expansionism.In the last party congress in Beijing a unanimous resolution was passed to spread the Chinese ideology all over the world! China,on the strength of its massive foreign currency reserves has been buying real estate,natural resources,rare minerals and weapons from all over the world.It is known for fixing its exchange rate artificially to increase its exports. The US though wary has infact been helping China to increase its power by investing heavily in the Chinese economy. China is today the largest trading partner of the US. Boeing, Apple and other MNCs have transferred their manufacturing and Research facilities to China thereby giving it access to sensitive technology. It is well known that China is investing heavily in cutting edge technologies like robotics,bio-technology,super-computers,space research,missiles and artificial intelligence. Its strategy is to become the manufacturing centre of the world and dominate all industrial activity. It is well known that chinese workers are treated like cattle and have to work in inhuman conditions. Foreigners are invited to live in China provided it serves the chinese interests.
The Chinese policy in Tibet has been to crush all signs of vitality in Tibet and impose an alien culture there. Even within China,particularly in southern China,the military is curbing any signs of freedom or ethnic rights.It is a great mistake to perceive China as a  homogeneous society. It is home to tremendous ethnic,linguistic and cultural diversities which have been brutally subjugated by the communist ideology! China is a time-bomb which can explode anytime! 

1 comment:

  1. China will be / is? the emerging power... Chinese are everywhere n become richer n richer, therefore more n more powerful
    I hope we won't regret their expansion!
