Wednesday 20 February 2013

Nuclear Disarmament

The world is on the edge of a precipice-anything can happen! There are 500000 nuclear weapons in the world today and the number is increasing everyday. Iran,N.Korea,Israel and S.Africa have joined the club. It is futile to expect any country to stop testing nuclear weapons without total nuclear disarmament. The primary responsibility rests on the US,Russia and China.
It has become a child's play to make a nuclear device today! The know-how is freely available to anyone who wants it! Imagine if a terrorist outfit were to get hold of it. There have been reports of nuclear mishaps all across the world. Armageddon will follow in the event of the slightest mistake by any nation!
If the US and Russia take an initiative to start reducing their stockpile, the rest of the world will surely follow! For the price of a nuclear device,10 million malnourished children can be fed for a year!
Give peace a chance!

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