Tuesday 12 February 2013

Extended family

Family ties are still strong in many parts of the world-Asia,Spain,Italy,Germany,Latin America and Africa. In India we have the concept of extended family. It includes all the descendants of the founder-both on the mother as well as the father's side. Marriages,Birthdays,funerals,illnesses and other festive occasions are times of family get-together s. On these occasions,all the family members deliberate on the difficulties and the triumphs of the individual constituents. A consensus is arrived at about the future course of action-even the ladies are consulted!Everybody agrees to abide by the unanimous course of action. Generally the eldest member of the clan is the head of the family and plays an advisory role. The basis of the extended family is sacrifice of individual interests in the family interests!
Today,the family is under tremendous strain because of western influence-rugged individualism.Nuclear families are fast becoming the norm,and family togetherness is dwindling!Divorces,feuds,litigation for property and violence is in the rise.
The extended family serves a very important purpose-emotional bonding,collaboration,assistance in times of crisis,cooperation and brotherhood. It has been found that children born in an extended family have less emotional problems than those born in nuclear families. However one of the drawbacks of the extended family is that sometimes people find it difficult to relate with outsiders and become parochial. This must be avoided-a culture of assimilation,tolerance,goodwill and harmony must be cultivated.Also care should be taken that there is no stifling of the individual in the larger interest!
In my opinion,the institution of extended family is vital in national interest.'United we stand,divided we fall!'

1 comment:

  1. well you are getting our worst in family relationships! collapsing... disgregation...

    now in EU the extended families are the ones where ex wives/husbands maintain a good relationship n therefore they keep all seeing each other, all together, in happy family reunions...
    this is the new concept of good families now!
