Wednesday 13 March 2013

decline of america

These are truly revolutionary times! America which dominated the 20th century is now in decline. Countries in Asia,Latin America,Middle-East and Africa have quietly started asserting themselves. The voices of the poor and the oppressed are beginning to be heard again. The dictators and other autocratic regimes which had been supported by the US are shaking in their boots. Some have been toppled and others are on their way out. A new spring is round the corner!
This is a great time for long dwarfed cultures like the Asiatic,the African and Latin-American to begin asserting themselves and start challenging the decadent western culture! We can retain democracy,individual freedom and science while rejecting individualism and state control. New alliances should be forged and new international institutions to protect our interests should be set up. It must be remembered that it is the poor who help the poor and not the rich! The dollar must be replaced by a new reserve currency.It has been responsible for the devaluation of the currencies of Asia and Africa while artificially propping up the western currencies!
Trade patterns must change and any sanctions against Iran,N.Korea,Syria and Russia must be firmly opposed.Sanctions must be imposed against Israel for its unprovoked aggression against Palestine.Europe and America must be forced to allow agricultural imports from the rest of the world. Restrictions on labor movements must be gradually dismantled. Environmental protection should go hand in hand with economic development. Public health,malnutrition,illiteracy,gender-violence and poverty should be the topics for deliberations and discussions.
Let us all work for a new dawn!

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