Wednesday 20 March 2013

world forestry day

World Forestry Day

World Forestry Day is celebrated around the world to ring a bell among the society about the importance of forests and the scores of benefits which are gained from them. The concept of celebrating a day every year as World Forestry Day originated at the 23rd General Assembly of the European Confederation of Agriculture in 1971.

The event also venerates the contribution of the forests. Every year, 21 March is distinguished as World Forestry Day.

World Forestry Day
A forest just doesn’t mean trees but it’s an entire complex, a living community.

Many interdependent species of plants and animals dwell beneath the forest canopy; the forest soil is a home to large variety of invertebrates, bacteria and fungi which play an essential role in cycling nutrients in the soil and the forest.

The reckless felling of trees is creating many problems in the surroundings so the need of the hour says that everybody should ponder seriously over this issue and stop activities that are against the welfare of forests.

Everybody should actively involve themselves in prevention and creation of new forests. And situations of deforestation and over-gazing should be avoided. 

World Forest Day 2013

According to rules of Forest Department, 10 trees should be planted in exchange of cutting down one tree. Though, in last two decades only 1% trees have been planted.

The survival of the rich generation of flora and fauna in the country is in danger due to exploitation of forests. Chopping down forests in hilly areas results in loosening of soil, thus the upper layer of fertile earth is eroding which is leading to uncontrolled rain and flood. And India is a country which is highly dependable on its agriculture, hence. it becomes even more important for us to protect our forests and prevent them from any ill practices.

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