Monday 4 March 2013

margaret mead

Margaret Mead,an anthropologist, must surely rate as one of the greatest minds of the 20th century! Her studies of native tribes in the Pacific are original works of a very high quality. She demolished the myth that decency is the preserve of modern societies. Her studies show that the aborigines living on small islands are much more culturally evolved than us!
Mead remained a controversial figure throughout her life. Her views on sex,family,women-men relationship,polygamy and same sex marriages were far ahead of her times. She remained an ardent advocate of lesbian and gay relationships.
A highly passionate person she had intense relationships with both men and women. She deplored the competitive attitude in women and recommended a more even attitude towards career, marriage and family.
She was optimistic about the future of civilization and worked tirelessly to spread the message of universal ism and peace among st nations! 

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