Thursday 28 March 2013

good friday

"Forgive them O Lord for they know not what they doeth" spake Jesus from the cross. This sums up the message of the Bible- which the world has forgotten as it engulfs itself in an orgy of murder,rape,massacre and brutality unprecedented in human history!
The message of the Bible is universal-compassion,love,brotherhood,forgiveness,mercy,charity and peace! But man has twisted that message to suit his own mundane purpose. Today maximum people are killed in the name of God!
'It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a camel than for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven'. This simple truth has been forgotten as everyone is in a race to acquire more wealth. The poor are envious of the rich and seek to emulate them which is putting a tremendous burden on the Earth's limited resources. Sharing,goodwill and cooperation have vanished from the World's lexicon.
" Jesus was aware of the failure of his mission and of his return with the sword of God!" Sri Aurobindo

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