Tuesday 16 December 2014


The ability to learn is what distinguishes one person from another.A person who is open,inquisitive and contemplative will always be cheerful and energetic while another who is repetitive and imititative will be lazy and troublesome.
In many parts of the world,people have stopped learning and are living a mechanical and purposeless life.Right from childhood,a person is being programmed to be numb and mechanical.The whole educational methodology has been devised to destroy creativity and originality.
Learning requires the ability to perceive phenomenon unhindered by any bias or pre-conceived notions.A learner is always checking on his premises before arriving at any conclusions.Temperamentally he is humble enough to admit that he does not have a monoply of wisdom and others may have a more appropriate understanding of events.
Nature intended every individual to be unique and provided him with the necessary means for fulfillment but could not give him the discriminative faculty nto decide how to proceed.As a consequence,the progress of the world has been one steady slide towards oblivion.
The main task today is to revive the spirit of learning in the interest of preserving all that is good and beautiful in life!

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